Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Night Mooves / No sleep for the mother

So Mom and Ryan function on a different sleeping/waking schedule than we do. They stop functioning when it's dark outside, whereas we catch our shut-eye during those annoying daylight hours and party down at night.

We're trying to alter Mom's schedule.

Ryan frequently is gone during the sleeping hours, which leaves ample napping space on the bed. Despite this space, however, the most comfortable spot is on Mom's legs. Meg and I like to take baths, nap and wrestle eachother on Mom's legs.
Our goal of course is to keep Mom from sleeping so she'll play with us.

Ive gotten inta a fewd wit the beddroom door jam. We battle every moorning round 6 or 7 when Mom's still sleeping. I kick it and grab it and make a rukkus. Mom usually throws a stoofed aminal at me. She missed me the other day, tho.

When the sun starts coming up we really hungry. I try to tell Mom it's breakfast time. I get on the bed by her face and say, "Hey. I'm hungry." Then I sit on the bedside table and watch her. Anytime she seems to be awake I remind her.

Sumtimes in the night and erly morning, I check to see if Mom is really in sleepybye. I creep up to her face just to check. She always is, tho. She tries to pet me like I want lovin' and I'm like backoff. Sumtimes when I'm hungee I go to her face and tickle her with my wiskers.

--Jazpurr and Meg

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