Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunshine Meg

Arent I a site to behowld? You mite notice I look diffrent in this pikture, glowweey even. Thats cuz Im in the sun. I have a speshal ingredeent in me that makes me change when expozd to sun. My fir gets softer, the blak parts of my eyes get slity and my nose gets sooper moist. Its ossum. Mom says Im sooper pretty when Im Sunshine Meg.


Kicking ... face?

That's rite. Dis is my handywurk. or I shuld say footywurk. So the storie goes that one nite I was doing my yoosyooal walking on Ryan's legs wile he sleeps rooteen when to my serprize he mooved his legs. I no what your thinking--big deel. Wel when your a cat, unexpeked serprizes like that kaws a reakshun that involvs us jumping strate in the air. So, Ryan jerked his legs (like the jerk he is) and I jump up and where do I land? On Mom's face. She got a littel mad at Ryan and then put an icee pack on her face for the rest of the nite. She was worryed I gave her a blak eye. Also she later notissed after kiking her face my foot and claw moved down her arm. That one took a wile to heel. :)
