Friday, August 13, 2010

Where am I?

So things look a bit different around here, aye? Blogger gave us some new options and let us customize so obviously when we stubbled across this background with the birdies, we couldn't resist (Meg still needs reminding you can't eat bird sillouttes off the screen.)
Let us know how you like it in the poll to the left.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pose Series: Part 4

Courtship Pose
The late Pretty Kitty models the most seductive of the cat poses: the courtship pose. Jazpurr learned all about the enticing effects the courtship pose has on the humanfolk when he was one year old and has been using it on his mom ever since.
The key to the pose is belly exposure. No human can resist that fluff we keep stored on our underside. Rolling the head and even flipping back and forth is also effective. Jazpurr often takes baths in this position just because he can.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pose Series: Part 3

Upsidedown Face

This photo is a variation of the typical upsidedown face pose cats often take when lounging. Meg has taken it to an extreme by also flipping her torso and extending her arms.
This pose always looks uncomfortable yet we do it all the time. Why do we do it? Who knows? We don't even know why. Maybe it's just the different perspective we gain when everything is inverted.