Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful that...

... Mom did not let the dumpster kitties stay permynently.

The other night Mom came home and before I could even come out to say 'hi' had invited the dumpster kitties in just to hang and piss me off.

Only three of them were there and Mom said they came looking for food, but then insissted on having shellter alsa. Mom said she couldn't shut the door in their "little" faces. Little, puhshaw!

Cheese and Crackers is as big as me and they might not be even full grown. He kept coming in the bedroom and looking at me. The neerve!

I told him what's what, hissy style.
I saw Mom petting Peter Nincompoop, which she said she learned is a girl. Later, Ryan refused to change the name to Petra Nincompoop. Whatevs. Peter is really small and lovey. I was spying on them from around the bedroom doorway, but when Peter got too close I told him what's what, hissy style.

Jean Tom is medium sized. He's cross i'd. Mom said he might be a girl, two.

Mom gave them treats from MY treat jar. Those jerks. Peter put his scent all over the corner by the door. Rubbin' his face all over it. Yick.

The picture is the three that visited. There's another named Cat, but he's a loner. More like loser.

--Meg and Jazpurr

Pictured (from left) are Cheese and Crackers, Peter Nincompoop and Jean Tom. You can tell they're evil by their lazer eyes, which Cheese and Crackers is utilizing here.
I was abel to video tape their movements for future analiziz.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

These are a few of my favorite tastees

I'm sure you've noticed by now that I, Jazpurr, am a pretty fit, slender and strong fellow, wheras Mega's a bit of a beef. We thought you might be interested to learn of our favorite foods. We list them here in order.

Jazpurr Higgins:
  1. Yogurt, particularly Activia (it keeps me regular). I can hear/smell a yogurt carton being opened from 1.27 miles away.
  2. Quisp Milk. It gives you quazy energy.
  3. Little Green Men. I find them in the carpet and try to eat them. They usually disappear before reaching my mouth though.
  4. Milk. Although I am lactose intolerant and am only permitted a small amount.
  5. Tuna. The best things in life come from cans.
  6. Cheese
  7. Plants
  8. Ice Cream. It's like sweet milk.
Megalopoli Conurbation Mussolini:
  1. Chocolate
  2. Chocolate
  3. Chocolate cookies
  4. Ice cream, particularly chocolate. I, like Jaz, have a keen sense of smell and can whif out ice cream from 2.73 miles away.
  5. Tuna
  6. Mega Meal. I'm told this is really called "canned food." Ryan gives them to me when he is home. We always have a good chat about it before he lets me eat, tho.
  7. The salt on Mom's skin. Sometimes she lets me lick her hand for a really long time, then she gets mad because I makes a boo boo.
  8. Anything hard. I don't actually eat these things, like cell phones, the ring on Mom's finger, pens, but they are good for chewing.
  9. Flowers

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy T-Day

With that most tastee of holidays approaching, I am remynded of a photo shoot I did for Tyson some time ago. Don't I look delishous?


Thursday, November 13, 2008

The girl with the smelly-good face

Mom and Ryan abandoned us again. They were gone three days, but Mom's cousin Sara took care of us.
Sara is very nice. She likes to play and talk with us and she has a great smelling face.
We showed her our toys and talked about food.
She liked me best.

No she diddint. She said I was prettiest.

She said you talked a lot, and nobody likes a chatty catty.

Wat eever.
She gave us mega meal and lots of it. She even gave us treats! I hope she comes back.

--Jazpurr and Meg

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Auntie Sarah

Mom said Aunt Sarah will be visiting at Thanksgiving time.

When I was one year old, Mom and I lived with Sarah and my best friend Agatha. This photo is me trying to eat Agatha in our window. I usually ate my meals in that window, so it only made sense to eat the living thing in the window. Just kidding, Ag.

Aunt Sarah is good for snuggling with. Last time I saw her was in 2006. She came a visited me.

Meg met Aunt Sarah once when she was a baby. The other picture is Aunt Sarah holding Meg.

Meg doesn't understand when I talk about my aunt how ossum she is.

I'm excited to see Aunt Sarah! Mom said she lives in Maine and can't bring Agatha because Maine is far away and Agatha can't afford a plane ticket.

When my aunt comes I'm going to show her my catnip pillow and smell her face.


Dapper Jazpurr and Spiffy Megiffy

Before we moved to the Hideabed, our necks were carefree and blowing in the breeze. Now that we're in the place where we're not allowed to go outside, or at least not the REAL outside, we have to wear necklaces.
Mom got me a handsome houndstooth with red accent collar from Chicago. High Class! It's pretty annoying, but Mom gives good neck stratches. Sometimes I let Ryan give me a neck scratch.
A couple weeks ago Mom came home with a new shirt colar and bow tie for me. It was kind of really uncomfortable, but Mom kept exclaiming about how handsome I looked.

I used to ware a spiked Harly Davidson collar with a bright green dog bone ID tag. The ID tag matched my eyes, the colar matched my attitude.
That collar was causing some helth problems, tho. It was leather and was rubbing the fir off me neck, so I had a half grown crop of hair round my necken.
Ryan didn't want to lose any of my soft soft fir, so he took it off. Then he got me a new one. It's blue plaid. Mom said he shouldve' gotten a pink one to match my bright pink tung, but Ryan got one that matches the blue hu of my fir.

Also Ryan got me a sweater the other day. It's itchy so I took it off over my hipps.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Mom's Uncle Daryll drew this cartoon. We don't claim to be the inspiration, but we do love tuna.