Tuesday, November 18, 2008

These are a few of my favorite tastees

I'm sure you've noticed by now that I, Jazpurr, am a pretty fit, slender and strong fellow, wheras Mega's a bit of a beef. We thought you might be interested to learn of our favorite foods. We list them here in order.

Jazpurr Higgins:
  1. Yogurt, particularly Activia (it keeps me regular). I can hear/smell a yogurt carton being opened from 1.27 miles away.
  2. Quisp Milk. It gives you quazy energy.
  3. Little Green Men. I find them in the carpet and try to eat them. They usually disappear before reaching my mouth though.
  4. Milk. Although I am lactose intolerant and am only permitted a small amount.
  5. Tuna. The best things in life come from cans.
  6. Cheese
  7. Plants
  8. Ice Cream. It's like sweet milk.
Megalopoli Conurbation Mussolini:
  1. Chocolate
  2. Chocolate
  3. Chocolate cookies
  4. Ice cream, particularly chocolate. I, like Jaz, have a keen sense of smell and can whif out ice cream from 2.73 miles away.
  5. Tuna
  6. Mega Meal. I'm told this is really called "canned food." Ryan gives them to me when he is home. We always have a good chat about it before he lets me eat, tho.
  7. The salt on Mom's skin. Sometimes she lets me lick her hand for a really long time, then she gets mad because I makes a boo boo.
  8. Anything hard. I don't actually eat these things, like cell phones, the ring on Mom's finger, pens, but they are good for chewing.
  9. Flowers


Decemberflower said...

YUM! I LOVE all those foods! mmm... i love you guys! i love cats! and my friend adeen (she's a follower in this blog) is part cat (literally). so i'll bet you guys will be great friends! sadly, i'm part dog. but i'm sure we'll be great friends too!

Hoshi said...

I love to chew on pens. They taste good. -Amber

I like catnip, personally. -Cloud

It does smell good... -James

Ditto! -Claire

Ditto, I guess. -Nyx

I deny that I have ever sniffed catnip. Though my cat does like it... -Adeen

CATNIP!!!!!!! -Sophie, my cat.

I swear I'm not schitzofrenic. The kits just wanted to post something. I posted for my cat, since I gave her catnip today.

New words: Burra; Anabbi.

got them from the word verification. lol

Anonymous said...

It's true that Meg's first and second favorite food is chocolate. Meg once tore through a bag of chocolate chips just to get to the chocolate, and a large chocolate bar with licked patterns on it from Meg's tongue was once found. She has good taste.
