Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lord of the Hum 3: Return of the Flit

Flit has returned to our porch for the third year. Well, we think it's the third year. We know it's the same hummingbird we had last summer because when we first spotted him he was looking for the feeder where it was hung last year.
But to jump back a step, first Mom heard Flit chirping, then she saw him. Then she ran and fixed his sugar water. Don't know what he likes about that stuff. Seems boring to me. Where's the meat?
Well after my taste of Flit (or his lady friend, Flita [don't know which]) last year, I'm pretty bored with the hummingbirds. They're too fast to even give them the time of day. Go buzz around a cheetah, why don't ya!
I'll stay focused on the finches and such that eat the bird seed. At least they're full of sunflowery goodness, not sugar.


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