Sunday, August 2, 2009

Eat at *spew sound*

Mom found this sign on the Internet and we'd though we'd share it. When Mom told me about it she thought it was hilar that the vomit was a pile of pebbles. I decided to remind her that, indeed, at times cat vomit does look like pebbles by leaving her a few piles. She even stepped in one, which I guess is the whole purpose of the sign--to avoid that.
At any rate, I think this is a good opportunity to segue into a conversation about puking. I am quite fond of the pasttime. I do it when Mom is so kind and foolish enough to give me her leftover cereal milk, I do it after I eat plants, I do it after I eat ribbon--you know, the usual.
I also get hairballs. I rarely up chuck these as I prefer to digest them whether they like it or not. When not puking them I often get coughing fits. These make Mom fell bad for me because I make an awful noise as I get into cough pose. Ryan thinks its hilarious. Jerk.

Me on the other paw dont do much of the pyooking. My food is too precious to regerjit8. I like to keep in my belly where I kin continyoo to enjoi it.
Also I don't do the hole hairbal thing. Mom says its cuz I have majic fir. The silkie silverness of it makes it not clogging in my colon. I offen dominate Jaz by cleaning him (or do this to annoy him off Mom's lap so I kin have his spot) but his not majic fir doesnt clog me. I gess my tummies silver majic too.

--Jazpurr and Meg

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