Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Curious Case of Kidnapped Kitties (Part 2)

6:42 p.m. Friday, March 6: The suspect made another hasty arrival and retreat from her residence in the Hideabed complex. During my undercover work I was able to deduce the suspect would be returning to the Condit Road address this night where I believed the victims to be held captive.
I stowed away in the suspect's vehicle and tracked her to the Condit Road home. I was able to enter the home undiscovered where I viewed the suspect, the victims and a second suspect I later determined to be the primary suspect's mother.
The victims were kept in a large cage containing food, water and waste containers. The victim known as Cat had himself pressed into the corner of the cage. The victim known as Peter Nincompoop, however, was friendly toward her captors.

I feared Stockholm Syndrome had taken Peter, so I watched her movements.
Peter would leave the cage and socialize with her catnappers. She would, however, defend herself against the two dogs on site.
Peter proceeded to spend the evening in front of the TV on the floor with the suspects. She purred and licked suspect #1 and accepted petting from all present, including a male subject whom I do not believe to be a suspect at this time.
During my study of Peter I discovered her belly had been shaved and a wound sustained.
I was able to talk with Peter in a hidden area between the couch and the wall. When I asked her what had transpired, she said she did not remember.

Cat, however, did remember.
After watching Peter for several hours I found Cat had hidden himself behind a bathroom door in the same room as his cage. He was apprehensive about talking to me, but I persuaded him to open up.

"This other lady--she took us to some other place that smelled funny, like
animals," he said. "They caged us up, and then someone pinched me and I fell
asleep. When I woke I was drousy and felt less like a man."
Cat wasn't willing to elaborate, but I knew what he meant--he'd had The Fix.
Come 10:02 p.m., suspect #1 was forcing Cat into the small cage used to transport him to this locale, but unlike how he arrived, Cat left alone. Peter was returned to the large cage.
I once again stashed myself in the suspect's vehicle. Upon return to the Hideabed, the suspect carried the cage to her front door and opened it.
Cat ran from the cage and jumped off the second-story balcony, running out of sight before I could see where he'd gone.
This action by the suspect might have voided one catnapping, but another still remains.

I used the Snifmaster to test the cage for evidence I could use in this case. If only Peter will press charges.


Unknown said...

Two down....three ? to go...

Rachel Chilton said...

Well there are two more in the litter, but I don't know that the suspect is skilled enough to catch them.