All of a sudden the other day Mom brought something into the bathroom from outside and shut the doors. There were some scrabbling noises and then I heard some "meows". Mom poot something in the room where my food and poopy box is and shut the door. There was noise, there was a new smell. Then alien kitten sounds.
So I said, "Hey in there. Hey, Mom, can I go in the bathroom?" So Mom let me in.
There was my new kitten!! It was on the bathroom counter kick-boxing all of the counter items into the sink.
I stayed in there even when Mom left for the store. She was worried my kitten would beat me up because its sibling bit her. I was cautious only to not scare the wee thing. It looked small and nice, but scared.
I couldn't get close enough to sniff out its gender, but it looked kind of masculine, yet girlie.
Jaz went in and wen he came out I hizzed at him.
Mom brought back a special litter box for my kitten from the store and put my box in the kitchen, along with my bowl. He-she kept talking when Mom would go in the bathroom, telling her not to mess with him-her.
Mom moved stuff and then I kood pee in the kitchen.
During the night my kitten would talk about sad things, but I wanted to stay with my Mom. The bathroom floor is hard.
That thing kipt waking me up!
Half way through the next day, Ryan closed Meg and me in the bedroom, put my kitten in a trash can and helped Mom put he-she in a cage.
We got all locked up without FOOD when Ryan put the thing in a vet transporty box. I hadn't even finished my brekfest!
My kitten is gone now, but I can still smell her every now and then behind the people toilet. Mom took pictures of him-her:

I admit she might have had an evil streak in her.--Jazpurr & Meg