Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The taste of hummingbird in the afternoon

This is Flita. Flita has a friend called Flit II. They are young hummingbirds that frequent my porch. The other day I was napping on the couch when a banging sound aroused me. Lo and behold Flita was inside the apartment banging against the sliding glass door.
Of course I was on the scene instantly.

Mom shut the curtain around us to trap Flita against the door--all the better to catch her. Mom also opened the sliding door as wide as it would go--all the worse to catch her.

At some point Flita got tired and I was able to nab her to the ground.

She tasted quite buzzy.
Mom got mad at me, though and made me stop savoring the snack. I kept trying to reclaim Flita but Mom kept getting mad and shooing me away.

Eventually mom toweled Flita and set her free. Drat!


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