Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pavlovian hummers

So Meg doesn't know it but Mom and Ryan are turning her into one of Pavlov's dogs. Ryan feeds Meg what they call "Mega Meals" of canned "ArtistoCATs" food (although I see Mom gets pretty on edge when Ryan call it "Artistocrats" food), and while preparing the food and while she eats, they clank a piece of metal against an Evil Dead shot glass. It makes a "tink" noise to which Mega is beginning to respond. Poor fool.

I thought I should bring to your attention a friend of ours the mention of whom might make an appearance on this blog on occasion.

Flit is our hummingbird that frequents our porch. Mom has given him a hummingbird feeder, and once he invited a lady friend to it, but we haven't seen her since. Domestic violence?
Nevertheless, Flit came onto the porch this morning while Mega and I were sitting inside behind the partially open screen door. Flit hovered in front of us for a while, checking us out. Mom said he was going to come inside but he didn't, he just pooped and left.

By the way, this photo I've posted is of a modeling spot I once did. Mega doesn't have all the looks in the family, in fact she has a very small percentage, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

Ian said...

Hey Rachel

This is hilarious and great. I have to show Jodi. She is going to be jealous that you have a blog about your cats.

Hope all is well. I hear SNP is in major flux again. Ride the tide like a cool surfer.

Well, I hope to see you and Ryan sometime in the future. Take care.
