I thought it was time to put some picturegraphs up so you can see what we look like. When not blogging, I do some modeling work.
How do I look?
This is Jazpurr. I've hijacked this post in order to point out something about Mega's modeling job. Meg is a PLUS-size model. She did this spread for the Sports Illustrated swim suit edition, but it got cut. Wonder why?
Hey! This is Meg again. Don't lesten to that punk. I'm NOT a plus size model. The camera adds 10 pounds, which is significant since in real life I weigh 11 pounds. Anyway SI said they just didn't have room to fit me among the human moddles and they're saving this job for the cat edition.
1 comment:
I like the pictures of the feuding felines. Basically, this blog is hysterical.
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