Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pose Series: Part 5
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Killer Shadowplay
So Meg and I like to sit out on the porch and watch the birds and etc. which is pretty cool. Every now and then we try to jump at them via the porch railing but have yet to be successful.
Well after two years of just looking and failing to catch any birdies, I've gotten kind of bored. That's why I came up with a new form of birdwatching. I first employed this inside. In the morning the sun shines through the back door and onto the wall where the couch is. So I would run after the bird shadows on the wall by jumping on the couch. Cool, huh?
I've amped it up one notch. I now sit with my back to the actual birds while batting at their shadows on this chair. The shadows you see in the picture are from plants, not birds, but that only adds to the challenge of recognizing what is aflutter and what is just swaying in the breeze.
You should try this. It's really fun. Meg doesn't get it though. Too complex of a subject I guess.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunshine Meg
Arent I a site to behowld? You mite notice I look diffrent in this pikture, glowweey even. Thats cuz Im in the sun. I have a speshal ingredeent in me that makes me change when expozd to sun. My fir gets softer, the blak parts of my eyes get slity and my nose gets sooper moist. Its ossum. Mom says Im sooper pretty when Im Sunshine Meg.
Kicking ... face?
That's rite. Dis is my handywurk. or I shuld say footywurk. So the storie goes that one nite I was doing my yoosyooal walking on Ryan's legs wile he sleeps rooteen when to my serprize he mooved his legs. I no what your thinking--big deel. Wel when your a cat, unexpeked serprizes like that kaws a reakshun that involvs us jumping strate in the air. So, Ryan jerked his legs (like the jerk he is) and I jump up and where do I land? On Mom's face. She got a littel mad at Ryan and then put an icee pack on her face for the rest of the nite. She was worryed I gave her a blak eye. Also she later notissed after kiking her face my foot and claw moved down her arm. That one took a wile to heel. :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Where am I?
Let us know how you like it in the poll to the left.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pose Series: Part 4
The key to the pose is belly exposure. No human can resist that fluff we keep stored on our underside. Rolling the head and even flipping back and forth is also effective. Jazpurr often takes baths in this position just because he can.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Pose Series: Part 3
This photo is a variation of the typical upsidedown face pose cats often take when lounging. Meg has taken it to an extreme by also flipping her torso and extending her arms.
This pose always looks uncomfortable yet we do it all the time. Why do we do it? Who knows? We don't even know why. Maybe it's just the different perspective we gain when everything is inverted.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Pose Series: Part 2
The name for this pose comes from the chicken wing effect achieved by the hip and hip fur, as seen below. The title "loaf of bread" or "kitty loaf" is inspired by the rather boxy shape our bodies take.
Let me 'splain
This is the first in a seemingly never-ending series of expanatory posts about the various poses we cats like to utilize. So to begin:
Monday, June 7, 2010
I am a man of discerning tastes
You might call me a food connoisseur or maybe just an avid sportsman, but no matter how you look at things, I like to catch me some wide variety of backyard critters. I climb trees to stake out birdies and I always have one eye on the yard across the street where the rabbits dwell. Needless to say, I'm feared in my neighborhood.
Please enjoy the following photos of my recent endeavors.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lord of the Hum 3: Return of the Flit

But to jump back a step, first Mom heard Flit chirping, then she saw him. Then she ran and fixed his sugar water. Don't know what he likes about that stuff. Seems boring to me. Where's the meat?
Well after my taste of Flit (or his lady friend, Flita [don't know which]) last year, I'm pretty bored with the hummingbirds. They're too fast to even give them the time of day. Go buzz around a cheetah, why don't ya!
I'll stay focused on the finches and such that eat the bird seed. At least they're full of sunflowery goodness, not sugar.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I am Queen

Why, helo. Chek it out. This is me siting on my throne. Its reely a compooter chare with a extra cooshin, but some time ago I claymed as mine. That makes me royal you kno. Mom likes to call me her princez, but I think Im more of a queen. cuz i rool.
Sometimes I let Mom share it with me, and if she is ever in it by herself I come up and make her move to fit me.
The best part is that its twerly. I kin go rownd and rownd til I puke on Jazpurr's face. Hahahaha!
Monday, May 3, 2010
A parent lee my body kept growing after my toes stopped.
Its not fare. 'sides, I keep them nice and metalik looking with the silver dust I put on every morning. Im the silver-toed Meg, you know.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Best. Fort. Ever.

As you kin see, my eesel is there. I like to hide behin it and spie on Mom and Ryan.
It was nice and privit but this worm got in my face.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Keep your mitts off my nip!
As you know, cats are big fans of our drug of choice: catnip. Cats have different reactions to the potent plant. I become somewhat violent; I roll in the nip and I run about.
I get all melo and like to lick wher the nip smell comes from.
In this instance, Meg got too close to my stash when I was trippin'.
--Jazpurr & Meg
Saturday, March 20, 2010
World Cup
Monday, March 15, 2010
A stylish incarceration
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
You might know us from such museums as the Louvre
Regardless, we got immortalized on canvas. The paintings now hang in the cat zone in the bathr
oom. NO, this is not where the litter box is, this is above our food area. These photos are kind of blurry and dull, but you get the jist.
Friday, March 5, 2010
These boots are made for Mega?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I vet you can't guess how NOT fun it was
The torment of the vet is twofold. Not only is there the absolute terror of being at the vet, but there's the car ride to and from.
So on the way there I did my usual total misery scream the whole time. Mom had Mega and me in the same cage. She thinks it will make us happy to be together. It doesn't.
It yoosully makes me feel better but this time I made some sad cries on the way. On the way back I just looked at Mom thru the cage cracks.
So we get there and it smells all funny. We go in a room and Mom lets us out. "Sweet!" I think. I'm wrong.
A lady comes in and is all petting us and stuff. Then she takes me out of the room and makes me stand on something and expects me to stay there. Dummy. I guess it was a scale: I'm 12 pounds.
I thought the lady was alrite. It was a neet room. I 'splored and just chilld. I'm 13 pounds.
So then ANOTHER lady comes in and by this point I've been shaking and crying the whole time and Mom keeps petting me but that doesn't really make me feel better--she's the one who brought us here.
The other lady poked her fingers all in me and stuff and told Mom I need to lose some wate. Pssht. We'll see about that.
The lady poked me too. Then she totally embarrased me by telling Mom I have a big bowel movement coming. Who says that?! Then she gave me a shot in my hip area, but I couldn't even feel it. Then she left me alone but I was still super scared.
The first lady came back and took me out of the room and then some guy did unspeakable things to me. Mom had told the ladies I was deprezed sometimes--its troo. So I didnt get the shot I got the violatshun insted. The guy put a needle in my place where I stor my yello likwid. Then he poked a needle in my neck and took some red stuff. I was not so happy by the time I got back in the room with Mom. She showed me the cage and I was happy to go back in.
Finally we left and I cried all the way home. It was great to be home though. But for the rest of the day I felt all achey and tired. I slept in my cat bed and didn't eat much. I'm better today though.
I did hear the lady say I needed my teeth cleaned and then she proceded to mention anesthesia and stuff. I hope Mom doesn't take me back for that. That would suck.
Jazpurr & Meg
Friday, February 5, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
What the?

--Jazpurr & Meg