Mom told us last week that our best dog friend died Dec. 20.
I know what you're thinking. Dog? Friend? Oxymoron, right? Well that's the thing. When I came home with Mom when I was four weeks old, the first dog I ever met was Simba. I was too young and naive to be afraid of him and he gave me no reason to be. So I grew up knowing dogs were friends and not the bullies you see on TV. When Meg came to live with the dogs, I taught her the same. Now she has a super bond with the remaining dog in Mom's parents' house, Lizzy.
Simba was 14. He sure did make the most of those years. He was the smartest dog I've ever met. He could sneeze on command, which, let me tell you, is really annoying if you're standing near by.
As a Sheltie-mix, Simba was good at herding. He often would try to herd the birds in the sky. That didn't work too well. 
Mom found out in the fall Simba had a tumor on his heart. He was acting ill and Mom didn't think he would last long. He proved everyone wrong, though. He hung on for months just to make it easier on his family.
Here he is with the also dearly departed Ginger.

Hi Rachel,
We were so sorry to hear about Simba. What a wonderful doggie and what a wonderful tribute from Jazpurr!
Uncle Daryll
Love you SIMBA!
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