During the last two weeks while sitting in my kitchen window watching and talking with dumpster cats, I noticed a new addition: kittens. I discovered three kittens, two of which came up to our front porch, and a trepidatious mom. The kittens looked to be about a month old then, and so are about 6 weeks old now. They are stripey like me, but more brown than me. Also they're adorable and I want one. More recently the mom is out of the picture and one kitten hangs out by itself or with the dumpster cats and the other is being raised by Coonie. Yesterday Mom was using me as bait to lure one of the kittens for capturing. She kept sending me out the front door to try to make friends. It didn't quite work. This morning, however, I was out on the front porch with Cheese and Crackers, Jean Tom and a kitten. Mom was able to sneak up on the kitten and grabbed it. She brought it inside but it chowed down on her finger so she told it it had to leave. :( I want a kitten. Meg did not like the kitten. She hissed and fluffed her tail. She's always doing that. Drama queen. I hope Mom will try again to catch me a kitten. She said I couldn't keep it always, though. Still, I like making friends. --Jazpurr
A couple months ago I started noteising some commotion in a levatating flower pot on my porch. Lots of cherping and movement above mie hed.
So I took it upon myself to moniter the pot all hours of the day Mom let me be outside.
Mom started taking pictures of what was going on. I don't no what the round things are ....
but eventully they got replaced with tiny fluffs...
and then with scary monsters... and then with noisy yums. They are gone now tho. Mom thinks they flew away last weekend. She said they were called Hows Finchs.
She also said the flower pot was filled with bird poopies.
You won't beleeve what happened today! I was in the bathroom with Mom when we both saw a bug by the tub. I went rite for it guess what?! The ear wig's but pinched me on the nose! It made me sneeze. What nerv! It doesn't show, but boy wat a jerk.