Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful that...

... Mom did not let the dumpster kitties stay permynently.

The other night Mom came home and before I could even come out to say 'hi' had invited the dumpster kitties in just to hang and piss me off.

Only three of them were there and Mom said they came looking for food, but then insissted on having shellter alsa. Mom said she couldn't shut the door in their "little" faces. Little, puhshaw!

Cheese and Crackers is as big as me and they might not be even full grown. He kept coming in the bedroom and looking at me. The neerve!

I told him what's what, hissy style.
I saw Mom petting Peter Nincompoop, which she said she learned is a girl. Later, Ryan refused to change the name to Petra Nincompoop. Whatevs. Peter is really small and lovey. I was spying on them from around the bedroom doorway, but when Peter got too close I told him what's what, hissy style.

Jean Tom is medium sized. He's cross i'd. Mom said he might be a girl, two.

Mom gave them treats from MY treat jar. Those jerks. Peter put his scent all over the corner by the door. Rubbin' his face all over it. Yick.

The picture is the three that visited. There's another named Cat, but he's a loner. More like loser.

--Meg and Jazpurr

Pictured (from left) are Cheese and Crackers, Peter Nincompoop and Jean Tom. You can tell they're evil by their lazer eyes, which Cheese and Crackers is utilizing here.
I was abel to video tape their movements for future analiziz.


Hoshi said...

well that's quite the impression you gave them. i don't think you made any friends there.

Hoshi said...

i hope you have a very merry holiday! i've already broken out the elf and santa hats and the jingle bell. we have presents under the tree and i'm way excited!!!

Decemberflower said...

YAY! i love holidays cuz then RM will take me on walks WITHOUT my leash! *barks happily* it proves i can go on walks being a good girl. yayayayay! only when i asked RM if she'd take me on a leash-less walk the other day, she only gave me a 'you're kidding' look. i guess i have to wait a little longer...

Donavon said...

Your world is the planet the Thundercats live on.