We welcome another guest blogger. Krummy lives at Mom's office. Mom says she and Nick The Bull share custody of Krummy. I don't believe she'd have an illegitimate kitty, however. Here's Krummy's post about life at SNP.
Greetings Mega and Jazzpurr;
As you can imeowgine, I get bored sitting atop my cubicle lair in search of meanness and mices. I thought I would take the time record my thoughts and whatever else spews from my meowth (besides hairballs).
First, I will properly introduce meowself to those who aren't privy to my existence.I am Krummy the Kindness Kat. I was sent from planet Krumlauf to balance the fight between kindness and Tim K. lol.
Here is a recap of what I witnessed on what meow masters call, "Deadline Day."
Monday:I heard my arch nemesis, King Krummy (Tim K) yelling at Nick to learn the ways of the levy and wondered if he needed a hug. While trying to climb to King Krummy's desk, I realized I was stuffed and had a hard time moving (must have been all the ketchup and mustard I stole from the cafeteria).
I will continue to plot and scheme against this master of meanness and find a way to hug the crap out of him. (Pardon my French).
I hope you guys are having a wonderful time and please be sure to save a spot for me in the dryer. Also, Meg, do you think you have room in your next meowvie for a superheremeow? Pieces be with you (or something like that).
Krummy the Kindness Kat