You won't beeleeve what my mom did to me yesturday nighttime. But first, some background: So there are too kinds of Ryan. Theres reguler Ryan and bedtime Ryan. Bedtime Ryan is this giant lazy guy who grabs you to his chest and wont let go and then falls asleep with you inprisoned.
Night Mom isnt much better. She wants to snuggle you too under the covers and make you be lovey.
I find its best to avoid these bedtime peeple at all costs. During the dark times, I will sneak up to see if bedtime Mom is awake. Also I will wake her to feed me before the sun comes up.
So back to the OMG, Oh My Galoshes. The other night Mom was sleeping and I was ready for food. So I did my usooal thing of digging at her legs and such to tell her to get up. She kept kicking me in the face and kicking me off the bed and so I had to be more aggressive. Eventually she grabbed me and tucked me into the Bedtime Ryan hold. Now, when Ryan holds me like that I have to give up beecause he is strong and has big arms. Bedtime Mom, on the other paw, is easily fought off. Besides, she's never done anything mean to me befour. Well I fought will all my mite and the Bedtime Mom jist kept fightting back to keep me confined in her grazp. This lasted 5 minootes. Eventually I started yelling at her during the last 2 minootes.
I said, "Let me goooooooo. This isn't faaaaaarrreeee."
Then the funny noise thing went off that signals Bedtime Mom will morf into regular Mom (It's the cell phone alarm --Jaz). So I was mad at Mom for a while, but I knew it was not her fault. It was Bedtime Mom's fault.
The next night I started out my digging with a kneeding and also let Bedtime Mom pet me. That seemed to appeese it.